Monday 7 August 2017

BTM8107-8 | Week: 8 | Activity: Apply MANOVA and Prepare a Course Reflection Solution A+ work .

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Type: Instant Download
Formats: Microsoft Word
              SPSS Output.spv

BTM8107-8 | Week: 8 | Activity: Apply MANOVA and Prepare a Course Reflection Solution A+ work

Activity Description

You will submit one Word document. You will create this Word document by cutting and pasting SPSS output into Word.

Part A. SPSS Assignment
In this exercise, you are playing the role of a researcher that is testing new medication designed to improve cholesterol levels. When examining cholesterol in clinical settings, we look at two numbers: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). You may
have heard these called “good” (HDL) and “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. For LDL, lower numbers are better (below 100 is considered optimal).For HDL, 60 or higher is optimal.

In this experiment, you will be testing three different versions of the new medication. In data file “Activity 8.sav” you will find the following variables: group (0=control, 1=Drug A, 2=Drug B, 3=Drug C), LDL, and HDL (cholesterol numbers of participants after 12 weeks).

Using a MANOVA, try to ascertain which version of the drug (A, B or C) shows the most promise. Perform the following analyses and paste the SPSS output into your Word document.

1. Exploratory Data Analysis.

a. Perform exploratory data analysis on the relevant variables in the dataset. When possible, include appropriate graphs to help
illustrate the dataset.
b. Compose a one to two paragraph write up of the data.
c. Create an APA style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample.

2. Perform a MANOVA. Using the “Activity 8.sav” data set, perform a MANOVA. “Group” is your fixed factor and LDL and HDL are your dependent variables. Be sure to include simple contrasts to distinguish between the drugs (group variable). In the same analysis,include descriptive statistics and parameter estimates. Finally, be certain to inform SPSS that you want a post-hoc test to help you determine which drug works best.

a. Is there any statistically significant difference in how the drugs perform? If so, explain the effect. Use the post hoc tests as needed.
b. Write up the results using APA style and interpret them.

BTM8107-8 Week: 5 Activity: Apply ANCOVA & Factorial ANOVA A+ Work

Product Description

Type: Instant Download
Format: Dataset.sav

BTM8107-8 Week: 5 Activity: Apply ANCOVA & Factorial ANOVA A+ Work

Activity Description

You will submit one Word document for this activity. You will create this Word document by cutting and pasting SPSS output into Word.
This assignment consists of two parts. In the first part, you will utilize an existing dataset to compute a factorial ANOVA. All SPSS output should be pasted into your Word document. In the second part, you will be asked to create a hypothetical ANCOVA output table for variables related to your area of research interest.

Part A. SPSS Assignment
The “Activity 5.sav” file contains a dataset of a researcher interested in finding the best way to educate elementary age children in mathematics. In particular, she believes that 5th grade girls do better in small class sizes while boys excel in larger classes. Through the school district, she has arranged a pilot program in which some classroom sizes are reduced prior to the state-wide mathematics competency assessment. In the dataset, you will find the following variables:
Participant: unique identifier Gender: Male (M) or Female (F)

Small (1) – no more than 10 children
Medium (2) – between 11 and 19 children
Large (3) – 20 or more children
Score: final score on the statewide competency assessment.
To complete this assignment

1. Exploratory Data Analysis.
a. Perform exploratory data analysis on all variables in the data set. Realizing that you have six groups, be sure that your exploratory analysis is broken down by group. When possible, include appropriate graphs to help illustrate the dataset.
b. Compose a one to two paragraph write up of the data.
c. Create an APA style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample.
2. Factorial ANOVA. Perform a factorial ANOVA using the “Activity 5.sav” data set.
a. Is there a main effect of gender? If so, explain the effect. Use post hoc tests when necessary or explain why they are not required in this specific case.
b. Is there a main effect of classroom size? If so, explain the effect. Use post hoc tests when necessary or explain why they are not required in this specific case.
c. Is there an interaction between your two variables? If so, using post hoc tests, describe these differences.
d. Is there support for the researcher’s hypothesis that girls would do better than boys in classrooms with fewer students? Explain
your answer.
e. Write up the results in APA style and interpret them. Be sure that you discuss both main effects and the presence/absence of an
interaction between the two.

Part B. Applying Analytical Strategies to an Area of Research Interest
3. Briefly restate your research area of interest. Analysis of Covariance. Using your area of interest, identify one dependent and two independent variables, such that the independent variables would likely be covariates. Now, assume you conducted an ANCOVA that shows both the independent variable as well as the covariate significantly predicts the dependent variable. Create a mock ANCOVA output table (see SPSS Output 11.3 in your text for an example) that supports the relationship shown above. Report your mock finding APA style.
Your submittal should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Where applicable your submittal should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Review APA Form and Style.
Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy. View the Northcentral Academic Integrity Tutorial to refresh your
knowledge of how to achieve academic integrity.
Upload your assignment using the Upload Assignment button below.
Learning Outcomes
2.0 Develop appropriate null and alternative hypotheses given a research question.
3.0 Calculate and interpret descriptive statistical analysis.
4.0 Create and interpret visual displays of data.
5.0 Apply appropriate statistical tests based on level of measurement.
6.0 Determine the appropriate use of inferential statistical analysis.
10.0 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of SPSS.
11.0 Demonstrate proficiency in reporting statistical output in APA format.

Reference Instruction
Field, A. (2013) Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics. Read Chapters 12 an d13
Reference Instruction
Field text companion site. Provides access to SPSS data files.
Complete Chapter Exercises
Reference Instruction
Activity 5sav
Activity 5.sav.sav
Download and use file to complete exercises

BTM8107-8 Week7 Activity Apply Non-Parametric Tests A+ Work

Product Description

Type: Instant Download
Format: Zip

Activity Description

You will submit one Word document. In the first part your assignment document, provide short answers to the following questions (250 wordsor less).

Part A. Questions about non-parametric procedures
1. What are the most common reasons you would select a non-parametric test over the parametric alternative?
2. Discuss the issue of statistical power in non-parametric tests (as compared to their parametric counterparts). Which type tends to be more powerful? Why?
3. For each of the following parametric tests, identify the appropriate non-parametric counterpart:
a. Dependent t test
b. Independent samples t test
c. Repeated measures ANOVA (one-variable)
d. One-way ANOVA (independent)
e. Pearson Correlation

Part B. SPSS Assignment

In this part of the assignment you will perform the non-parametric version of the tests you used in Week 4. In each case, assume that youopted to use the non-parametric equivalent rather than the parametric test. Using the data files from earlier assignment, complete the following tests and paste your results into a Word document:
1. Week 4 Activity 6, Part A: non-parametric version of the dependent t test
2. Week 4 Activity6, Part B: non-parametric version of the independent t test
3. 3Week 4 Activity6, Part C: non-parametric version of the single factor ANOVA

Your submittal should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Where applicable your submittal should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.Review APA Form and Style.
Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy. View the Northcentral Academic Integrity Tutorial to refresh your knowledge of how to achieve academic integrity.
Upload your assignment using the Upload Assignment button below. Learning Outcomes

5.0 Apply appropriate statistical tests based on level of measurement.
6.0 Determine the appropriate use of inferential statistical analysis.
7.0 Correlate how population, sampling, and statistical power are related to inferential analysis.
9.0 Compare and contrast parametric and non-parametric data analysis in order to apply the correct statistical procedure.
10.0 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of SPSS.
11.0 Demonstrate proficiency in reporting statistical output in APA format.

Reference Instruction
Field, A. (2013) Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics. Read Chapter 6
Reference Instruction
Field text companion site. Provides access to SPSS data files.
Complete Chapter Exercises
Reference Instruction
Activity 4asav
Activity 4a.sav.sav
Download and use file to complete exercises
Activity 4csav
Activity 4c.sav.sav
Download and use file to complete exercises

BTM8106 Week 8 Complete Solution

Product Description

Type: Instant Download

Formats: Microsoft Word
BTM8106 Week 8 Complete Solution
Week 8
Write your mock Concept Paper using the Concept Paper template found in the Dissertation Center. Follow the template guidelines for each section.
1.     Write an Introduction describing your topic.
2.     Write the Statement of the Problem section.
3.     Describe the Purpose of the Study. Include the results of your power analysis.
4.     State your Research Question and your null and alternative hypotheses. Be sure that your question aligns with your purpose.
5.     Write a Brief Review of the Literature.
6.     Complete the Research Methods section (including the Operational Definition of Variables, Constructs, and Measurement sub sections). Follow the instructions in the CP template. Be sure to:
a.     Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your envisioned design and methods.
b.     Identify threats to validity and how your design will address them.
c.      Justify why your chosen design and methods are more appropriate for your research question than alternatives you have considered.
d.     Define the constructs you will measure and what you will do in order to determine how to operationalize them.
e.      Describe the sample you propose to study and its characteristics; this should include, but is not limited, to: 1) age; 2) gender; 3) ethnicity; 4) additional cultural factors; and 5) education level. Justify your choice of sample.
f.       Describe your method of sampling.
g.     Describe the type of data you need to collect and how you will collect it.
h.     Briefly describe any ethical issues you foresee with your study. Make a preliminary assessment of the level of risk associated with participation in your study that might need to be raised with the Institutional Review Board.
i.       Describe and justify how you will analyze your data and the descriptive statistics will you present.
j.       Explain how you conducted your power analysis.
k.     Describe how you will handle your data, check for accuracy etc.
l.       What problems do you foresee in implementing the design? How might you prevent them?

BSOP 588 Entire Course

Product Description

BSOP 588 Entire Course includes:
BSOP 588 Week 1 DQ 1 Definition of Quality
BSOP 588 Week 1 DQ 2 Quality in Your Organization
BSOP 588 Week 2 DQ 1 Quality Philosophies
BSOP 588 Week 2 DQ 2 Quality Awards
BSOP 588 Week 2 Project Proposal (Toyota Motor Corporation)
BSOP 588 Week 3 DQ 1 Voice of the Customer 
BSOP 588 Week 3 DQ 2 The Kano Model
BSOP 588 Week 3 Paper Measuring Customer Satisfaction
BSOP 588 Week 4 DQ 1 Quality Focus
BSOP 588 Week 4 DQ 2 Alignment of Strategy and Quality Management
BSOP 588 Week 4 Midterm Exam
BSOP 588 Week 5 Case Study
BSOP 588 Week 5 DQ 1 Performance Metrics
BSOP 588 Week 5 DQ 2 Cost of Quality
BSOP 588 Week 6 DQ 1 Six Sigma and Lean Principles
BSOP 588 Week 6 DQ 2 Applying Lean and Six Sigma Principles
BSOP 588 Week 7 DQ 1 Statistical Process Control
BSOP 588 Week 7 DQ 2 Capability vs. Control
BSOP 588 Week 7 Final Project Paper Toyota Motor Corporation
BSOP 588 Week 8 Final Exam

BSOP 326 Entire Course

Product Description
BSOP 326 Entire Course includes:
BSOP 326 Final Exam
BSOP 326 Midterm
BSOP 326 Week 1 DQ 1
BSOP 326 Week 1 DQ 2
BSOP 326 Week 2 DQ 1
BSOP 326 Week 2 DQ 2
BSOP 326 Week 3 DQ 1
BSOP 326 Week 3 DQ 2
BSOP 326 Week 4 DQ 1
BSOP 326 Week 4 DQ 2
BSOP 326 Week 5 DQ 1
BSOP 326 Week 5 DQ 2
BSOP 326 Week 6 DQ 1
BSOP 326 Week 6 DQ 2
BSOP 326 Week 7 DQ 1
BSOP 326 Week 7 DQ 2

Thursday 3 August 2017

BSHS305 Final Exam

Product Description

University of Phoenix Material                      
Final Exam
 BSHS/305 Version 4
Final Exam

Indicate your answer to each of the following questions by highlighting your choices. Each correct answer is worth .5 points.

1.     Which one of the following skills best helps the human services professional understand the client’s environment?
            a.         Listening
            b.         Report writing
            c.         Problem solving
            d.         Advising

2.     Ethical codes adopted by a profession are usually based on the premise that
            a.         the solution to every problem can be found in the ethical code
            b.         professions can police themselves.
            c.         professionals cannot be trusted to make their own decisions
            d.         ethical codes will eliminate mistakes in service delivery

3.     The concept of less eligibility was introduced in 1834 to
            a.         punish criminals
            b.         limit the expansion of services to the poor
            c.         promote institutional reform in prisons, almshouses, and asylums
            d.         emphasize the benefits of social engineering

4.     Which of the following would be consistent with the medical model approach to delivering human services?
            a.         Providing parenting classes for pregnant teens
            b.         Prescribing antidepressant medications
            c.         Providing subsidized housing
            d.         Running alcoholics anonymous group meetings

5.     Managed care has influenced human services in all of the following ways EXCEPT
            a.         requiring more case management
            b.         requiring external review for all cases and procedures
            c.         recommending approval of the lowest level of care needed
            d.         raising the cost of services

6.     Which one of the following best characterizes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
            a.         Patterned after the Manpower Development Act
            b.         Patterned after affirmative action legislation
            c.         Intended to provide people with disabilities access to goods and services 
d.         Intended to address areas such as employment, goods and services, and participation in the political process

7.     Clients seeking human services can benefit from technology
            a.         without worrying about confidentiality issues
            b.         without knowing much about computers themselves
            c.         without physically meeting with a professional
            d.         without worrying about the quality of services

8.     According to the text, factors that influence how a client defines and resolves a problem include all of the following EXCEPT
            a.         the qualifications of the helper
            b.         the client’s developmental needs
            c.         the client’s cultural values
            d.         how the client perceives the situation

9.     Supporting activities such as films, speakers, school programs, and pamphlets educate the population, which is a goal of the
            a.         human service model
            b.         public health model
            c.         medical model
            d.         all three models

10.  The whole person refers to one of the following:
            a.         the person and his or her environment
            b.         the person and all the medical personnel involved
            c.         the person and relationships with all the family
            d.         the person and the problems he or she faces

11.  Empathy is best described as
            a.         crying when someone else is hurt
            b.         feeling sorry for others
            c.         acceptance of others and seeing their situation from their perspective
            d.         being able to read another person’s mind

12.  Self-determination is a critical value because
            a.         the worker has the expertise to make excellent choices
            b.         the client needs to assume responsibility
            c.         the worker needs to take more responsibility
            d.         the client is resistant to help

13.  Which of the following is the process that assists helpers with understanding their own attitudes and feelings?
            a.         Self-awareness
            b.         Clinical judgment
            c.         Congruence
            d.         Ethical integrity

14.  Important considerations when making a referral include all of the following EXCEPT
a.         having the personal phone number and e-mail address of the person to whom you are referring the client
b.         ensuring that the referral agency is able and willing to provide the service the client needs
            c.         knowing the eligibility criteria for the referral agency
            d.         determining that the referral agency is accessible geographically

15.  The cornerstone of helping is
            a.         communication skills
            b.         rapport
            c.         the helping relationship
            d.         the clients

16.  Which of the following is NOT true of crisis intervention?

            a.         It is a time-limited service.
            b.         It usually involves only one helper to provide services.
            c.         It focuses on the client’s current life situation.
            d.         The helper must quickly establish trust.

17.  The client empowerment model is effective when
            a.         clients are part of the majority culture
            b.         clients can easily articulate their cause
            c.         clients have past experience organizing
            d.         clients are taught how to promote change

18.  A code of ethics includes all EXCEPT
            a.         the goals of the profession
            b.         guidance for professional behavior
            c.         contributions to a professional identity
            d.         instructions for all ethical dilemmas

19.  The worker’s assurance that information the client divulges will remain between the two of them reflects a commitment to
            a.         friendship
            b.         confidentiality
            c.         service
            d.         competence

20.  What term refers to the client’s right to know about helper qualifications, treatment procedures, costs of services, confidentiality, and access to records?
            a.         Information strategies
            b.         Knowledge sharing
            c.         Informed consent
            d.         Ethical disclosure

Points for correct answers: